Northwest Classen High School

NWC CLASS of 1964


APRIL 26-27, 2024


Friday, April 26
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler
2652 W. Britton Rd.  OKC
Meet in a private room in the back at Johnnie’s to catch up with old friends.  Purchase your own food and beverages from the food counter and new lounge/bar area.


Saturday, April 27
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Northwest Classen High School
Open House at NWC for a tour of the remodeled school, athletic fields, and auditorium.  You will visit the Hall of Fame in the entry of the auditorium to see the NWC grads who have been honored during the annual fundraising event sponsored by “Friends of NWC”, the non-profit organization that funds school projects and classroom needs


Saturday, April 27
5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Twin Hills Golf & Country Club
3401 N.E. 36th St.  OKC
Purchase a ticket to attend an evening of fun with friends from the past for a buffet dinner, music of the 60’s, and much more.  This is an event you won’t want to miss for tentatively $45 per person.

Mark your calendar now and plan to join us in April, 2024. 
Contact others from our class and encourage them to come! 

Consider donating to our funds to assist with making this
 the best ever and likely last reunion.  Any amount helps!!!


Contact our Reunion Team Treasurer,  Dennis Gagliardi, at:

or mail to him at:

2025 Bridgeview Blvd.
Edmond OK 73003